" Help Wanted "


  • Emotional

    " Help Wanted "

    Lady on the Park Bench, no place to sleep
    If only I had a chance, to be the Woman
    I know I can be. With her mind in a mess
    As she bows her head and weeps
    Her eyes plainly read
    Help wanted, can't you see

    Little Boy on his own, cause, his mommas
    gone on. Taking cover in the streets
    With no shoes on his feet
    Hoping God will hear his Cry
    As, so many People pass him by
    His eyes plainly read,
    Help wanted, can't you see.

    This World is in a lot of trouble
    If it isn't one Heartbreak, it's another
    And, all the signs plainly read
    Help wanted, can't you see!

    (c) Flower Girl

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    theroamingcrow commented on " Help Wanted "


    Another Great one, FlowerGirl you have awesome talent. It is so easy for me to visualize what you are saying.

    Ceasar commented on " Help Wanted "


    Another great poem Flower Girl-For some strange reason, as I read this poem, all I could imagine was a movie or a play-I could clearly see the characters-maybe an idea-at least consider it-pray about it, and the title should be Help Wanted! Excellent choice of words.



    Hi, Ceasar..I Thank You.. And, I Will Definitely Give It Some Thought. But, From A Moments In Pondering Upon Your Idea..It Does Sound Interesting....And, I Thank Your For your Input.. I Hadn't thought Of That... This Is One Of My Fav. Pieces, Because, My Heart Truly Does Hurt When I See Such Things As Described In This Poem.. I Thank You For Sharing In The Understanding Of The Distressing Issues Of Life For People In Our World. May You Be Forever Richly Blessed! Flower Girl,

    diZZle commented on " Help Wanted "


    Great.......Those who walk with no tears in there eyes, for reasons of pride or satisfaction because of there diffrence 4m the "ugly" rest.. also have a sign that reads ''exuse my blindness, il someday be saved!"



    Thank You Again diZZle For Your Encouragement. It Is A Breath Of Fresh Air When Ever Someone Can Share In, And Understand The Needs of Those Less Fortunate. It's Nice To Know That You Can Relate to This Poem. And Understand The Problems That Exist In The World Today. We Need A Caring Heart To Make A Difference. And A Willing Attitude To Do Something About It. Wishing You Many Blessings!! FlowerGirl,

    Lolee commented on " Help Wanted "


    I had to add this cogent piece to my favorites. Well said! People become so hardened to the need in the faces of people that they do not know...so sad.



    Thank You Again Lolee, For All Your Support! It's Good For Us To Try And Remember To Be Supportive Of One Another In Life, In Hope That, We Will Continued To Be Encouraged! I Wish You Many Blessings! Always Flower Girl,

    Clementinewoods commented on " Help Wanted "


    This poem is beautifully expressed!!! There are too many people who turn a deaf ear, blind eye, and a stony heart to this needing world. We as a people need to act more Godly and show more love for our fellowman, by extending a helping hand. If only people weren't so selfish and would begin thinking of others, rather than themselves only, then together we could make a huge difference. I can only do my part and encourage others to do theirs, because this is a group effort and I can never do it alone. I really fine joy and fulfillment when I help others (such as, when I donate to “Feed the Children,” “Breast Cancer Foundation,” “Red Cross,” and others.)You are a great writer. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work. God bless!!!



    I Couldn't Agree With You More...We As A People Need To Come Together More To Lend A Helping Hand.....The Bible Teaches.... When Two Or More Are Joined Together In Jesus's Name Miracle And Amazing Things Can Take Place..... Thank You For All Your Encouragement.. You Are A Great Writer As Well.... And, Many Blessings To You....

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)