

  • Philosophy


    What is this thing called poetry
    I think it is like words carved on a tree
    It etches its self upon your mind
    What do these words mean if them you do find

    Although the poems are long forgotten
    Upon a tree now rotten
    Their mark will still last
    For all present, future, and past
    -Tam al’Meir

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    tamalmeir’s Poems (23)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Latina Ecclecastica 1
    Tears 0
    To Understand Love 0
    Bleeding Essence 1
    Poetry 0
    Theology 0
    Pain 4 0
    Pain 3 0
    Rhyme With A Reason 0
    Soul Death 0
    Life 1
    Pain 2 2
    Excruciating Limitations 1
    Untitled 0
    Untitled 0
    Agonizing Infidelity 1
    Death 0
    Mortal Love 0
    Beauty 0
    Pain 0
    Love (Answers!?) 0
    Love (Questions??) 0
    To Die or Not To Die 0

    tamalmeir’s Friends (3)