cjmason’s Profile

  • Age: 47
  • Location: Corvallis, OR
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I am a mother of three and i have had a hard life and alot of my poems are wrote from personal experiences. I love to write poetry i have 6 folders full of poems that start at the age of 14 and go through my first marriage and 2 daughters to my second marriage and my son . I also have 4 journals with mostly poetry and about 7 note books , my mom wanted me to do something with the poems cause she says i have a gift and what would i have to loose so for my mom i decided to try this . I love to spend time at the beach ,camping ,walking , and i love to be with my kids and family . I am going to be a grandma in april and I'm excited and scared all at the same time and it really makes me feel old!! My son is only 6 and he just started 1st grade so it will be nice to have a baby around again. My oldest daughter is 16 and my middle daughter is 14 I cherrish my babys and love them more than the air i breath . They make life worth living !!!!!!


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leen profile comment


Hey Carla all of your poems are awesome you truley have a gift to write them keep up the nice work and one day it will pay off for you just keep beleaving. Thanks for sharing them with us Love Ya Eileen

knight4696 profile comment


Hey Carla! Just stoppin' by to tell you how much I enjoy your poems! Keep up the Great work! Ken



Thanks Ken its great to hear someone else other than parents like my writings . My Ex husbands name was Ken and thats when my life started with all the problems maybe this is a sign it started bad with Ken and now maybe here comes all myluck cause I have talked to you

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

cjmason’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Gone To Soon 2
Not Knowing 2
Angels In The Mist 1
No Answers 0
Places of The Mind 1
A Miracle 0
My Truest Friend 1
Gone 2
An Outsider Looking In 1
What is this She feels 1
Never Let Go Of What is Yours 3
A Wishful Thinker 2
My Name is Meth 4
Where is my Parents 0
My Uncle My Friend 2