Thoaidu’s Profile

  • Age: 59
  • Location: Clifton, VA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I am so thrilled to begin a new chapter of my life departing from my past - a past that could only suffocate me and supress me from growing spiritually and mentally. I feel so free like a bird soaring in the sky. I long so much for a time to love and to be loved. After all, by being a nurse, I have been so blessed in that sense already... Travelling, music, drawing, poems are my forever friends.


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Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Thoaidu’s Poems (9)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Love's Home 1
An Affair 0
A Kiss 0
Remember Andrew Lee 0
Lover 0
Loneliness 0
Hapiness 1
Melanchole 1
What Are You? 1