  • Age: 45
  • Location: Greenville, NC
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I am a single father from North Carolina who is currently attending school for Graphic Design. My 5 year old son lives with me and my 6 yr old daughter lives in Killeen, TX. I write poems so that I can forget whatever it is that Im feeling. My poems tend to be confusing to others and sometimes to myself also. I hope you enjoy whatever it is that I write and get something positive from them. Be blessed!


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Paradice21 profile comment


Well I have to come read some of your work to...And tomorrow I will do so.. I will continue to write ‎as well!! Off to Bed know It has Been A long Day! They way we write is quite often the way we feel... ‎That is Most of the time…Or the Many Ways we Would like to Feel And other to Feel As Well… So ‎Replace those not so great thoughts Even though I know It Is Easier said than Done with Good ‎thoughts and everything will Hopefully get better! Glad you enjoy my work And If it is Inspiring to ‎you then Do not just read it Do it! I just hope you have Someone in Return that Appreciates and ‎reinstate It to Because you seem like An Ok Guy! And I know So many times in Relationships Many ‎People fall Short of that! I pray and hope Many Blessings Come your Way!! ‎ Paradice

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

LEAKINGPEN’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Realizing 1
Shatterproof 1
Untitled 3
Untitled 3