EnV0Y’s Profile

my passion is great mixture of love and pain.

  • Age: 47
  • Location: Houston, TX
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


MY NAME IS ENV0Y AKA ELDER JEREMY i am a minister of God. l am a poet. i just started doing set. i also write small plays. everything i write comes from the heart. I CALL IT THE REALITY OF LIFE!!!!!! i dedicated this to my family and my cousin jermaine(RIP)who was lost on nov.3 2006. i vowed to spread my knowledge with everyone i can. i came from the streets so i can related. i have tattoos and a grill. some feel i should remove them but God has allow me to reach kids men and women who can identify with me. i love to help people. i have been through great hurt and pain. at the time i didnt understand. now i see it wasnt for me. i was sent here to help others. i have the gift of listening to the heart of God and man. i'm a prophet. i truely love God. MORE INFO. FEEL FREE TO HIT ME UP. I DO YOUTH EVENTS. CHURCH EVENT. I COME FOR THE BROKEN AND THE WOUNDED. God has afforded me the opportunity to help in the healing process of other. i am 31 yrs of age. but i have been through far more than people twice my age. i will use my wisdom to empower others. so when you see me you will know that am for real. i have adopted the production LIFE IS PAIN. which mean a new birth. when a baby comes into the world its life but comes through pain. so i praise God for the rebirth of myself. i pray that we stop kill one another emotional, mental, physically, and try and strengten. is easy to bring one down but can you uplift. II COR.10:4 FOR THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE ARE NOT CARNAL, BUT MIGHTY THROUGH GOD TO THE PULLING DOWN OF STRONG HOLDS. I SPEAK LIFE IN EVERY DEAD SITUATION IN YOUR LIFE. LIVE AND NOT DIE. WALK INTO YOUR GOD GIVEN PURPOSE. GROW FROM YOU EXPERIENCE TO BECOME A BETTER YOU. THE TIME IS NOW. ACTIVATE YOUR GIFT.GOD HAS A PURPOSE FOR YOU rOMANS 8:18 FOR I RECKON THAT THE SUFFERING OF THIS PRESENT TIME ISNT WORTH TO BE COMPARE TO THE GORLY THAT SHALL BE REVEALED


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In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

EnV0Y’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
i thought you loved me 0
almost 3 years ago 1

EnV0Y’s Friends (2)