AlyssaRose1983’s Profile

  • Age: 41
  • Location: Fort Wayne, IN
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


My name is Alyssa and I am 26. I am currently a full time college student working on a second associates degree as well as my bachelors. I just graduated with my Associates of Science in Human Services in May 2009. Ultimately my goal is a Masters in Counseling.

I write poetry as more of a coping mechanism as well as a hobby. I was introduced to this site by one of my YouTube friends and hope to meet some more friends here.


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ayyan profile comment


You are very beautiful in the pictures all

sugardoodle profile comment


Thanks for adding me to your list. Your words seem like a healing for me. I use them as a theraputic tool. When the world around me gets too crazy and I want to just close up, I find writing an outlet. Keep up the writings they are beautiful with so much feeling.



Thank you so much. I think that is the most encouraging thing I have ever heard! I will definitely continue to write.

wiredsavvy profile comment


thank you for adding me lady. you impress me...very! do not stop. you are incredibly talented! don't let ANYONE tell you ANY different! SJ



Thank you! That is very encouraging to hear! I am going to have to check out you page!

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

AlyssaRose1983’s Poems (13)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Catharsis 0
Bittersweet 1
Where is My Wizard 1
Two Hours 0
Ascension 1
FireCracker 0
Promises.... 0
Last Letter 0
Devils Influence 0
Justice Failed 0
Pixie 1
Love Spell 0
Forgiven 0