Pam's Pain


  • Pain

    Pam's Pain






    Pam was 14 and had the world

    More than every other boy or girl


    She was talented, pretty, and smart

    And possessing all the tools to begin life with a wonderful start


    Though in the city her parents worked hard to keep her in nice clothes and off the streets

    Doing all they could to help her be a rose that grew from the concrete


    She was young but physically matured beyond her years

    Looking like an adult amongst her peers


    Pam carried herself with a mature demeanor

    Which caught the eyes of a man twice her senior


    With both parents always away at work Pam looked to him for attention and affection

    Which he provided but began to lead her in the wrong direction


    He wouldn’t encourage her to stay in school; instead his heart was filled with deceit and greed

    Having her sneak out and skip school to fulfill his needs


    Pam soon dropped out of school to spend more time with him

    Quickly making her once bright future very dim


    So loyal to him she left home to live a ghetto fantasy

    Him and her together which wasn’t an actual reality


    Times flies by, out in the streets, 18 with no education and she’s wondering why

    Day to day, living a life of uncertainty because of one guy


    Months go by and her belly grows putting her body out of proportion

    She isn’t ready for a child but she can’t afford to have an abortion


    Pam goes to him for the affection and support she always looked for

    But when she breaks the news he pushes her to the waistside like a toy he doesn’t want anymore


    From that point on she just went down and the worst was yet to unfold

    Who knew this is what her future would hold


    Another girl lost in this unforgiving world

    About to give birth to a fatherless baby girl

    Pam has now been introduced to the harsh reality of this cold, cold world


    With her life at a dead end she becomes a slave to the streets

    Having to feed two mouths she turns tricks for treats


    Going from one man to the next

    Doing unthinkable things due to her lack of self respect


    She put on a smile to mask the tears

    From the hurt she has suffered throughout the years


    Many times it was hard to smile because of the pain

    She often wondered how things would be is she had traveled down a different lane


    At night she lets out cries but no one was there to listen

    Everything she loved and cared for was now missing


    Pam was looking in the wrong places to prove herself

    Not realizing that she was all she needed and loving yourself is the greatest wealth


    To all those who are growing up too fast living life in the fast lane

    Take a moment to ask yourself if you are prepared to endure Pam’s Pain

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    saritalovechild commented on Pam's Pain


    I loved reading this poem. Such stark reality but beautifully put. Maybe some young girl headed in that wrong direction will get a chance to read this.

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

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