Dear America


  • Truth

    Dear America





    Dear America may I please borrow a few minutes of your time

    There are some questions I need answered and things I must say to clear my mind


    Why is it that since Osama sent the planes through the towers

    We as a nation has struggled to maintain the top spot amongst the other world powers


    Why are the jobs disappearing quicker than water vapors

    And the number of companies outsourcing steadily getting greater


    Why is the cost of living at an all time high

    Leaving most of America with shallow pockets, struggling to get by


    Tell me why the government is denying a potential recession

    But the stock market and the value of our dollar imply a certain regression


    Someone tell me how we have the funds to be at war in someone else’s backyard

    When the need to assist our own problems such as poverty we totally disregard


    What was the significance of this so called Bailout Plan

    The giants are helped out and you know who’s left out in the cold, the little man


    We have the nerve to constantly preach education

    But it’s hard with rising tuition all across the nation


    And the kids, why do they skip school

    Maybe they think it’s cool; outsmarting themselves not knowing they are the fool.


    Why is it that so many kids don’t want to make themselves or their family proud

    Instead they get caught up in the streets, breaking the law following the wrong crowd


    Tell me how many of us can remember hundreds of rap quotes

    But can’t recite a sentence from a speech that Malcolm or MLK wrote


    That’s why we as a nation aren’t passing knowledge to one another

    Instead it’s bullets and knives that pierce our bodies and leave us dead under a cover

    With another life cut short and one more grieving mother


    Most of America is ignorant to financial independence

    We would rather put a down payment for a car instead of using the money for toward a mortgage to become a home resident




    We tend to live for the day when tomorrow is a possibility

    Then we wonder why we are burdened with economic futility


    These are just a few issues that we as a nation must address

    If we expect to collectively be at our very best


    There is hope and I have faith that after all is said and done

    We will rise above it all like the morning sun

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    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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