Eyanna’s Profile

  • Age: 36
  • Location: Philadelphia, PA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


heyy im Eyanna i was born May 24th 1988 im a reall nice person im a peacefull person i long for peace and i have a deep need for uncondistional love and Knowledage and to give it.im into tha arts of all kinds i love music i love to sing and write music and i love to write poetry i can draw a lil and paint i love listenting to music and meeting new people im a really nice and lovein person im deeply loveing and sensitive if you talk to me for a few mins. you will see im deeply intelligent and im deeply close with GOD i beliveve in him i am lol what you would call a hopeless romantic and a underground Revolutionary my deep passion and love is poetry and trying to educate the people with truth and knowledge and share peace hope and love and make a positive change in the world the keys is love peace raised consciousness unity as a people truth true education and knowledge good values and morals freedom liberation equality to make a real Revolution happen and that benefits the true success and happiness freedom love peace and well being of our people all people as one and it starts with us unified it starts with us and these things GOD us unity love much love and all power to the people i have unconditional love for the whole world..
Tha Love i have for tha dearest beloved is unconditional is tha same love i have for tha world.

Behold a Thing So Deep and True Behold My Loving Heart & Love....One Love :)


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Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.