I feel your arm upon my own,
And suddenly we are alone.
Slowly swaying back and forth,
The others to us, gone hencefoth.
You rest your head upon me,
I began to wonder, if this was a dream...
My head to yours then did I touch,
And hope you do not shrink from such.
My arm set gently on your back,
And tears of joy, I could not retract.
The music plays but I can't hear,
I only know that you are near.
I bring you close, and hear you breathe,
Your heart I feel, and mine you thieve.
Your body then pressed onto mine,
A feeling I feared to resign.
Each softer note, you drew me in.
I never wanted this time to end,
So every moment I want to extend.
The warmth and comfort you've given me,
Its something precious; now you see.
The music ended, but a feeling remains,
Hoping still to see you again,
A night ago was made for only two,
A special place, for me and you

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am2anangel commented on ONE NIGHT'S DANCE


beautiful write allowing your reader to feel your words as if they are experiencing the dance. well done. -Tonya



Is it possible to rate it? I really like ratings :)

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

ontherise1984’s Poems (17)