As he stared deep into a wounded
Seeing secrets i've never told
Hidden from when I was younger
Saying he would comfort them all away....

He snuck up to me
While I cried alone
from all the pain i've felt that I saw
And that to myself, I wanted to cause

And whispered in my insecure ear
And told me that I had few chances
That love does not come to those who seem strange.
That I should consider him

He promised to help me;
to give a weak person strength
To overcome and forget the past,
To cleanse the dirty;To empower the hoplessness: to provide for the needinesss; to give love to heal the lonliness
He promised to help me fight, only the begining of all the lies he told

My mind chased after hope I could barely even see
My body fought the apperance of sickness, while everyone ran away scared 
He then told me that I was barely human, such a state of sickness
That I deserved his actions, I deserved all the fear
He'd strike and lash, and I began to feel needless
He'd wake me in my sleep to torment me
To hide away, I sought to be thin.

I did not know how to be loveable
He told me "Love never tells secrets;  you must never tell mine".
His were so much more darker(crimes that spanned years and decades), I hid them under my self-guilt, and he expolited other people out of my sight.

I hid scared around him; I chased nervously around, so he would not be angered. I protected his actions. Yet as more lies came to light, I withered in his dangerous ground. Still today, some secrets go untold.I blamed myself even after I ran away; only to find decpetion does not hide from you in an old house. It may move with you to the next. Actually, in a way, it did. I went from a boy token to a houseboi. Next time, I want to be loved for real.

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

ontherise1984’s Poems (17)