Once Upon A Dream/Love


  • Kity
  • i'm stick between forgiveness and blasphemy, but, can i forgive myself?

Once Upon A Dream/Love

I've dreamt of meeting my prince, my night in shining armor my whole life.
But until last night he had no name, no face or voice.
And now I see him, I can hear him, oh I can feel him in my dreams and my reality.
Once upon a dream I found my prince, my one and only.
But I could not see him clearly, I could not even hear him say my name.
And now I can see you in my dreams.
Your my prince charming, my night in shining armor, my one and only.
It's you I've dreamt of all my life, and now it's once upon a dream to once upon a love with you.

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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Kity’s Poems (21)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Welcome 0
Tears 0
Lost 0
A Hand 1
What to do? 0
The Truth Now Shown 0
My new and better long over dew love 0
Confused oh so Confused 0
The Need To Change 1
Once Upon A Dream/Love 0
Name in Love 0
On My Own 0
What The F*** Is Wrong WIth You 0
Have You Ever Fallen For Love 0
Broken Inside and Out 2
Reality 2 0
Reality 0
A Promise Kept Before I Die 0
When I Go To Sleep 0