Confused oh so Confused


  • Kity
  • i'm stick between forgiveness and blasphemy, but, can i forgive myself?

Confused oh so Confused

I hear the drizzle of the rain like a moment from my past it falls from my mind. Soft and continuein taping on my roof and walls. My mind distracted and confused heart torn in two. My thoughts far many miles form my mind, they lay with you when your sleeping and kiss you when you start the day. AsI watch the drops of rain we then repress and die. I konw that I'm like the rain there before you gracing your face. But which face do I tenderly grace woht love. I cannot choose alone. How do I choose my path now? Why do I have to choose one love form another? Why does life have to be like a storm so untamed? Who does my heart disregard? Who does my heart embrace? When will I know whom to choose?

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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

Kity’s Poems (21)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Welcome 0
Tears 0
Lost 0
A Hand 1
What to do? 0
The Truth Now Shown 0
My new and better long over dew love 0
Confused oh so Confused 0
The Need To Change 1
Once Upon A Dream/Love 0
Name in Love 0
On My Own 0
What The F*** Is Wrong WIth You 0
Have You Ever Fallen For Love 0
Broken Inside and Out 2
Reality 2 0
Reality 0
A Promise Kept Before I Die 0
When I Go To Sleep 0