Old Photos


  • Loss

    Old Photos

    Old Photos
    Phread, 2006

    After my last grandparent died,
    we were going through old photos
    at his home when I saw it.
    I did not know this photo existed
    until then…

    It was an old, black & white photo
    of my father, holding me on his lap.
    He was looking down at me and smiling,
    and I was maybe three or four,
    his first born, his son…
    I took it home with me,
    along with the other photos
    I had claimed that day.

    I was 38, and this was the first time
    I'd ever seen this picture of my father
    holding me…
    He was holding me, looking at me,
    smiling… And he's happy…

    This photo is a blessing,
    but it hurts like hell, too…
    because it's proof he once loved me.
    Once, before he got crazy
    and self-centered and nasty
    and controlling and abusive,
    he loved me… Once upon a time.
    But it was only a very dim,
    wisp of memory in my ether…

    It wasn't too long after that
    when he stopped holding me,
    or holding anyone, really…
    And I've been holding that
    little boy ever since...

    All those damned therapists
    and the self-help books
    tell me that this should be enough.
    I'm supposed to love myself first
    and cherish myself
    and it’s supposed to be enough...
    But it never was enough
    and it never will be,
    No bloody way…

    I have spent a lifetime,
    thinking about loneliness.
    I realize I'm never really lonely,
    not most of the time anyway…

    Lonely is relatively easy to fix.
    What I am is “bereft,”
    like there has always been
    something missing,
    no matter how much I had,
    so I tried to stay busy
    and not think about it…

    But in those quiet times,
    when I lay alone with my thoughts
    “bereft” crept back in,
    and I felt deep loss and
    unfathomable grief…

    Sadness and joy, I’ve come to realize,
    are not incompatible,
    and life is a complex weave sometimes,
    but it does make for good poetry
    so, I resign myself to the fact that
    poetry will have to do…

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    jademelissa74 commented on Old Photos


    Ahh, this was so touching. You manage to reach the reader and maintain a level of interest throughout the entire piece. You are very passionate in your writings. I loved this! Great job!

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    Phread’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Carried Away... 3
    What Do I Want? 4
    On Wings of Green 2
    Old Photos 1
    NUMB 3R5 and L3T T3R5 0
    Icharus 0
    Daughters of Lysistrata 3
    Ruthie 2