Oh Sweet Child


  • Death

    Oh Sweet Child

    I only knew him for a month, He had me at hello, That would be his final month little did i know.
    He did not leave this earth alone, he had some company, A dad that loved him very much a little sis made three.
    Hand and hand they would depart to there final resting place, To the mommy and and there brother, they could never be replaced.
    I will not say i understand, what your going through, Just remember on the brightest of days, it's them that are shining through.
    He would come to our door with the lightest knock and say,'' Are the boys here? can they come out and play?''
    He had the brightest eyes and the cutest little smile, We are thankful and blessed to have known him for a while.

    Our Deepest Sympathy
    The Ekstedt Family,

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    PenofDarkness commented on Oh Sweet Child


    A loss for words; a lump in my throat... Gravity has pulled the tears from my eyes after reading this great piece! The Angels have definitely surrounded all involved in this tragedy and have lifted the innocent souls to Heaven. Now in God's Hands... I must say--this most likely was not an easy one to write, but it seems like it was a great healing for all. Excellent work and nicely done. Prayers will be said...

    kittman101 commented on Oh Sweet Child


    this is a true saddness, although i could never imagine what you or the family felt for the loss. I can say this loss is something i felt also. It is something saddening because he will be missed by so many.

    Madelynn commented on Oh Sweet Child


    Very heartfelt.Such an amazing job bringing us where you had been,chin up sweetie,I would bet their Angels are withyou.

    mgolda22 commented on Oh Sweet Child


    A lovely tribute to this child indeed. Your opening statement pulls the reader in immediatly. What a blessing that his family had your to give him life in this tribute...Beautifully done!!!

    fennesse commented on Oh Sweet Child


    my condolences for ur loss, this piece has beauty in it's flow very thoughtful.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Merrilyn’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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    Warning XXX 7
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    From sad to sober 9
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    Our first kiss "Stopped Time" 5
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