

  • Love


    You and me,
    are like leaves on a tree,
    I wouldn't be a tree without.
    You can put your trust in me,
    like i'v put mine in you,
    I'll be faithful, without a doubt.

    They say promises are ment to be broken,
    Thats not true at all,
    Them words should have never been spoken,
    I'll never let you fall.

    I'll love you till, the end of time, whenever that may be,
    Give me a chance,
    Say you'll be mine,
    You make my life complete.

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    nhorlandi commented on Complete


    not only a love poetry but surely a love story and seems to have a lovely melody...great!

    WordSlinger commented on Complete


    Devotion is royal

    fennesse commented on Complete


    very strongly written,I can feel ur 4 ur mate emanating from ur work good stuff.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Merrilyn’s Poems (13)

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