No longer yours


  • Lost Love

    No longer yours

    How could anyone stand a chance or ever win
    When your heart is so heavily guarded you wont ever let anyone in
    How can you love me so much one day
    Then the next hurt me and push me away
    Why do you play with my life like it is a game
    The things you do and say to hurt me are truly insane
    I vowed to love you and give you my all
    continued to try but like beating my head against a wall
    The only person I'd truly loved and given all of me
    You never deserved it why couldn't I see
    Needed to have faith and believe in someone
    To give me hope that there is good but you went the one
    The man you pretend to be doesn't even exist
    The one i fell in love with and couldn't wait to kiss
    You put on a show of love and kindness but your heart is cold
    It took several months before the real Brian started to unfold
    Didn't want to believe it could be true
    But by your actions i should of knew
    Never had to try so hard to just get along
    Everything I did and said was wrong
    The only protection that I needed was from you
    You cant deny what you know is true...
    Take responsibility for what you do
    One day your actions will catch up to you
    So now my love is no longer yours
    the last time to throw me or push me out the door
    In the end you are the one to lose
    Only yourself to blame this is the path you decided to chose
    The love I gave you will never find
    And my heart is truly one of a kind
    Free to move on and find my strength
    No longer will my confidence you take
    You have yet to see my stronger side
    The one that's stubborn and full of pride
    Once I choose to walk away
    There will be nothing left for you to do or say
    What we could of had was something you never find
    No matter how far you search or even length of time

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    warrior commented on No longer yours


    A sad commentary on total breakdown in a relationship and one that needs to be said. the hurt, anger and frustration is all there. Can it be overcome now? I think so. Let the rhyme go and use your words as in a conversation with Brian and keep your sincerity and strong feelings. The sad truths are behind and You will cause you continued confusion from where you came from . but never mind.

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    christel’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Be her teacher 1
    for our short stay 2
    Their path is not our own 1
    Scars of pain 2
    True to yourself 0
    my drug 0
    Actions dont lie 3
    No longer yours 1
    forgiveness 0