Actions dont lie


  • Anger

    Actions dont lie

    You hurt me with the things you do and say
    Keep me guessing with the games you play
    Never quite knew where we went wrong
    Believed we had something solid and strong
    Although we often disagreed
    We offered eachother something we need
    So right together in so many ways
    I vowed to love you and always stay
    Only sorry until the next time your caught
    Yet you blamed me for the reasons we fought
    How could you expect what you cant give
    How fair is that or any way to live
    The thrill of the chase is what you need
    You lead them on as you make my heart bleed
    Conquer your prey to stroke your ego
    Always lying about where you go
    Treat me the way you want to be treated
    Was all I asked for or ever needed
    Only wanted to love you & get it in return
    I hope your soul will be tortured and burn

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    Gracey commented on Actions dont lie


    I love the ending. you bite his head off, chew him up! brilliant write :)

    Light4u2c commented on Actions dont lie


    Christel,I love this flow I think I have to borrow some words here for someone treating me bad.

    sugarcane1241 commented on Actions dont lie


    hi this is sugarcane1241 i am new to thte site and i just wanted to say your poem sounds great!!!i like it,whoever you wrote for,tell'em girl!!!

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    christel’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Be her teacher 1
    for our short stay 2
    Their path is not our own 1
    Scars of pain 2
    True to yourself 0
    my drug 0
    Actions dont lie 3
    No longer yours 1
    forgiveness 0