my heart


  • Fantasy

    my heart

    deep down inside...
    i felll like i known you forever..
    when i text u my heart drops...
    when i hear your voice i have something to loook forward to...

    it like the smell of fall..
    fresh leave..
    color change..
    different feelings...

    as if i been around u forever
    my heart skips beats...

    my heart plays its own music..
    and their nothing in the world that can take me off beat...

    my love for u only gets stronger..
    when people try to rip us apart...

    im addicted to u like a drug...
    like a fat man to moon pies...
    like a cat on a mouse...

    i desire your....
    we maybe be seperated by..

    eye color..


    but now u have my heart...
    u hold the master key...

    i can feel your every move even tho your far away...
    i can taste the scent of you as you leave your house...
    i can sense the movement of you as u leave the school building...

    does that make me crazy or what?

    no matter what anybody says about u...
    i know the truth..

    your one of a kind...
    and from the first day i saw you or talk to u
    i knew
    their was greatness...

    words cant express how u stole my heart
    like a thief in the night...

    and conquered...

    your could never break my heart...
    but you treasure it....

    if only i could spend time one your prencences
    i would show u...

    their nobody better for u than me...
    so look at me one more time and tell me

    what do u want..
    and how can i be the

    person to find your treasure

    can i be the keep or yoru heart like u r mine....
    do tell me...

    jus let your heart beat and breath slow....
    cause i can fill.....

    with my heart....

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    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    nateshelton28’s Poems (27)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    fight for love 0
    standed 0
    tricked 1
    does it feel right?? 0
    dont cry it will be fine 0
    inside out.... 0
    gloomy day 1
    extistances.. 2
    final destination 1
    wedding 1
    taken part 2 the soga continues 1
    why? {jus for the women out there} 2
    heartbroken 1
    solitary confinement 0
    stability 0
    my heart 0
    jus a little bit 0
    internal bleeding 1
    short fuse eruption 1
    i have what i want... 0
    i am the cure 0
    unpredictable 0
    father like son 1
    inconsiderate 0
    addiction 2
    forbidden fruit part 2 0