DeeDee21’s Profile

Had a headache earlier. Maybe its because I needed to write a poem.

  • Age: 37
  • Location: Baton Rouge, LA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I am a bi-racial female.I believe poetry is my way of escaping things in general. When I write, I enter a new world. A world of amazing ideas and wonderful thoughts. I become "one" with my words. I used to write poems for my friends in school so they would pass a writing class or just the "Simple English" classes. Poetry is in my heart. I live to write it but sometmes I dont know exactly to do with it just yet. I take pride in my talent. Poetry is my music which I love also. I tell people all the time. " If you can write a song, then you can write a poem, which what it all is."


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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

DeeDee21’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
You said you never would 1
The Sorrows of my Tomorrows 2
Off my chest 1
Why Im sad 2
R.I.P. to my cousin 1
So Hard Not 2 Ask Why 5
A big girls devotion 4
A good woman needing a good man 2
Gangsta Sh*t 3
Close my eyes 4
I Cant Help Wondering 2