

  • Emotional


    sitting here thinkin everything is fine
    but its really not
    u thought u had her
    u thought u scarficed everything
    and when its time to claim your prize its been
    fallen hard for her hoping it will be okay...
    but its not
    everything u put into the relationship
    was a play action fake....
    walking down the street holding hands
    next min she with another guy
    haha funny
    that all u can do
    u were played like a new piano....
    why did u do it
    put your trust and u heart in it
    an all u get out of it is disappointment
    and failure....
    i really liked her and enjoyed her
    but now all i can do is look back
    and think
    did i jus get played???
    or did i jus get played and tricked?

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    AshRenee commented on tricked


    The ultimate reason for giving someone your heart and trust, is the love that comes from that. But if you never take a risk, that love isn't worth having when you finally find it. So, stuff like this is special and should be held with gratefulness that you had the opportuinity to learn what you did. You'll guard your heart more next time, and what's in it will be all the more precious.

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    nateshelton28’s Poems (27)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    fight for love 0
    standed 0
    tricked 1
    does it feel right?? 0
    dont cry it will be fine 0
    inside out.... 0
    gloomy day 1
    extistances.. 2
    final destination 1
    wedding 1
    taken part 2 the soga continues 1
    why? {jus for the women out there} 2
    heartbroken 1
    solitary confinement 0
    stability 0
    my heart 0
    jus a little bit 0
    internal bleeding 1
    short fuse eruption 1
    i have what i want... 0
    i am the cure 0
    unpredictable 0
    father like son 1
    inconsiderate 0
    addiction 2
    forbidden fruit part 2 0