My First Love


  • Love

    My First Love

    I was seven

    When he was ten

    And it didn’t matter

    I had a crush on him


    He had a cabin

     Up at the lake

    And he hung with my brother

    As a way to escape


    He was a little older

    By few short years

    So when he got a girlfriend

    You can imagine my tears


    The years slipped by

    Maybe two or three

    I was thirteen

    When he came back to me


    He came to the lake

    His leg in a cast

    My friend was all over him

    And I heard this big splash


    When I turned back to look

    He was smiling at me

    My heart skipped a beat

    Is this what I’m thinking it could be


    We all hung out

    The rest of that day

    We all slept in the barn

    Snuggled down in the hay


    When he reached for my hand

    And said come with me

    I knew in my heart

    This was meant to be


    We talked all night

    Of places he’d been

    Then he leaned down and kissed me

    My first kiss from him


    He’d come to the house

    In the middle of the night

    We’d go out four wheeling

    Until day light


    My mom didn’t like him

    But I didn’t care

    I would've followed him

    No matter where



    He was my first love

    That is a fact

    But eventually time

    Would take care of that


    When it was over

    And we said our goodbyes

    I couldn’t hold back

    The tears in my eyes


    I wouldn’t go back

    And change one thing

    For he was my first love

    And he made my heart sing


    Written by

    Maryann Hunt





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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    maryann72961’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
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    My First Love 0
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