My Pain


  • Life

    My Pain

    Sometimes it’s hard to bend

    Twist or turn around

    Sometimes it hurts to much

    To pick something off the ground

    I know when it will storm

    I don’t need to watch the news

    Sometime it hurts so much

    And there is nothing I can do

    Sometimes it’s hard to move

    And my walk is very slow

    Once there was a time

    I was always on the go

    My knees can barley bend

    And walking’s such a chore

    I sit and dread the moment

    I have to walk across the floor

    Whenever I have prayed

    Please take this pain away

    God gives to me his grace

    To make it through that day

    I may not understand

    Why I am not pain free

    But I pray that in his will

    He’ll take this pain from me

    Each day when I wake up

    No matter what's ahead

    I thank him for the day

    And know that I am blessed

     Written by

    Maryann Hunt

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    hjaycarney commented on My Pain


    Potent and heartfelt. Very touching. You positive spirit and attitude are an inspiration. Best, Jay

    Mareann commented on My Pain


    Your faith shows in your poetry. Pain is a terrible thing, but with Go's help we can get through it. Thanks for sharing, mareann

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    maryann72961’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Do you want to be a Christian 0
    My First Love 0
    Fighting Force of Liberty 1
    My Pain 3
    I praise your name 2
    I Am Finally Home 5