My Escape


My Escape

I was raised in outer space,
Flying around, looking for something new to chase
It’s been a lonely trip, Flying without a ship

I’ve seen the stars in my head,
From white, to black, to red
You might be amazed at what you see
Close your eyes, and dream with me
Anything you wanna see, 
if it’s in your heart, let it be

What can you imagine,
If anything could happen
Would you dream, of me,
Or wish me out to sea

There is this island that I know of,
In the clouds up above
Some call it heaven, Some call it hell
Yet only in our dreams, can we tell

It exists only in our minds,
It’s my escape, from time to time

Everything you want is right in front of you
But with everything, what’s left to do
I write for myself, I write for my friends
I write my thoughts I’m afraid to send

I write a letter, without a word
About a song that wont be heard
I sing in silence, trying to make you hear
I push you away, wanting you near

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A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

markah79’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
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Nightmares, To Dreams 0
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