

  • Love
    • AmorCyan
    • look me up on FB ... Terell.A.E Poetry add me and become a fan Comment at will...


    Mr. Heartbreak
    Damn ...
    It seems you dated every female know to man,
    Seems every girls heart needs to be mended,
    because you consume every heart you can.
    Your making it hard to find a heart and love it so,
    because they all seem to be covered with band aids and cuts sliced deep and low...
    Wounds that seem impossible  to heal,
    Making drones out of these women because they are scared to feel...
    Scared to be themselves cuz thinking being anything other than themselves will keep them safe.
    They want to find love but......
     sloooooooooows the P------A------C-------E---

    Damn ...
    You are heartless ,
    You have me looking for the pieces to a heart I might not be able to fix...
    First i have to find the pieces,
    Hoping someone will lay them out for me.
    Lost under debris and hidden in the darkness
    can it be found in the mix???
    When its found is it possible to keep it in good condition?
    Without leaving it a mess like MR.HEARTBREAK?
    Left for another man to fix.
    More deleted pics, more i hate yous' , disrupted and breakdown words.
    More tears, and fear.
    More time added to the pace of love...
    You cant catch the ball if someone doesnt throw it near your glove,
    or you chase it down .
     if no one throws it your just doing senseless running around...


    One of these hearts you so destroyed,
    will feel my love when its deployed.
    Will be mended by the love of me,
    and your torment will be that of a forgotten memory...
    I"ll mend a heart and wash the hands,
    that MR.HEARTBREAK used to hold.
    Open up the heart that MR.HEARTBREAK seemed to fold...

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    Kristenmarie30 commented on Mr.Heartbreak


    I really like the subject matter. I can tell it's written w/ alot of feeling. In my upinion is that it got continuously better as it went on.

    shortandsassy06 commented on Mr.Heartbreak


    I like how you added to the end how you could mend the broken heart.



    thank you i tried to add a lil twist at the end alot of poems are purely sad or all positive and i figured a mixture would be nice.

    graceladymn commented on Mr.Heartbreak


    What a colorful piece of work! So many men too are heartbroken and living not as themselves. Until folks learn how fragile and life giving the heart is, the walking wounded will never run out of stories. So, then did you find the cure? ;)

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    AmorCyan’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Land of broken promises... 0
    Crash and burn 0
    Make a promise I can believe 0
    I hate love 0
    let me ... 0
    living in pain 3
    Ms.Heartbreak 2
    love is a nightmare 1
    Lies 1
    Mr.Heartbreak 3
    love is what keeps me breathing 1
    Words 1