Mom poem


  • Family

    Mom poem

    I’m so tired I can not think
    As the day goes past my body shrinks
    Up at 6 to wake up one who insists one more minute
    I climbed two flights of stairs half awake so I’m not with it
    They said it will get easier when they grow up
    Things have changed but, it’s still real tough
    They are still messy but, now have extreme emotions
    Wish I had a teenager magic potion
    School projects have me wishing I was smarter in school
    I was too dumb then like them thinking I was cool
    Each day is a challenge on how to not lose your mind
    Just keep it all going and flowing with the daily grind
    Into bed I crawl, aching with pain wishing that wasn’t the case
    Waiting for some arms not there to make me float away in a warm embrace
    I’m so tired and so stressed, I guess that’s why I can sleep
    The events of the non stop day leave me wanting to weep
    All of this and my only thought is
    I’m so proud that they are my kids

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    Necy commented on Mom poem


    Those who hope in The Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles,they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and will not be faint. Soars on Wings ! ( Isaiah 40:31 )



    That is the best comment I have ever read. Lots of love to Necy!

    SilverGirl commented on Mom poem


    This is very good.. and so true.. for me. Awesome job hun.. Hugs.. SG




    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    joanlorraine’s Poems (4)

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