Mom Moving On


  • blackrose95
  • A complete poem is one where an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found the words ...

Poem Commentary

I really wanted to write something positive this time. So, of course, I did.

Mom Moving On

I wish mom could just move on.

Dad has. He’s long gone.

But she’s withdrawn

From the world of dating.

Instead she just sits there: hating.

Secretly waiting for him.

But the dog wants someone “slim”.

She says she needs more time,

To get over this seemingly victimless crime.

She tells me she’ll only date Mr. Right.

But how do you tell?There’s no shining light.

No neon-lighted sign that points the way.

No guy exists that will definitely stay.

This world has a tendency to lead people astray.

There’s no more time for brooding.

Put away the photos, no more deluding.

Comb your hair, Jump in the shower.

Your guy is waiting at the door with a flower.


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MalikPeterson commented on Mom Moving On


This one can open up a whole new can of worms. Is it easier for the men to move on...or the women? If we get into emotional make ups and all that jazz...we have ourselves a debate. However, from the standpoint from which you wrote this...I agree that it is damaging to sit there and hold on when it is apparent that he isn't coming back. She should take that glimmer of hope and convert it into a guiding light into the future...kudos...may they be with you.

Fallenangel87 commented on Mom Moving On


This is great, I love the hopefulness of this poem, You've got great structure with this one as well ;) -fallenangel87-

MarionYost commented on Mom Moving On


NICE! Damn WOMAN.... You're so talented... Gotta say. I'm going on 10 yrs. of NOT being able to find the words to write a DECENT poem about MY parents split... Another great Job! All the best -Marion-

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

blackrose95’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
Title Comments
A Lily Blooms in Queens... 0
A Wandering Soul 1
Scars 7
Rebelling Against Purgatory 2
The Lending Hand 1
Life: Plain and Simple 5
Death Has Finally Made Me Mad 2
Not Letting Go 5
Fighting Libido 2
Mom Moving On 4
You'll Never See 2
The Eternal Pain 3
Being Free 1
My Dad 1
The Invisible Girl 1
Conflicted Feelings 3
The Perfect Stranger 2
My Roaming Eyes 5
My Barely Bearable Desires Part 2 2
My Barely Bearable Desires Part 1 1
Love&Hate 1
My Potential 2