Fighting Libido


  • blackrose95
  • A complete poem is one where an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found the words ...

Poem Commentary

I decided to go a new style with this poem. It's more edgar allen poe in modern english. It's about the war we wage within ourselves-- to give into the temptation of lust or to persevere. It's a choice we all make, it's a battle we almost always lose. Only a rare few can resist the ones they lust. Please be blunt and comment.

Fighting Libido

Damn it, go away.

Stop haunting me, okay?!

Leave my nightmares, dreams, and fantasies.

Stop torturing me with your atrocities.

Taunting me with your suggestive looks, winks, and sadistic smile.

As I beg, You continue to fill my head of her, smirking all the while.

Go into the fiery depths of hell.

Go, Libidos, the angel who has fell.

I'm on both a knee,

Leave me be!

Take your leave on those things

You so delicately call wings.

Be gone, abandon the form that you have chosen.

Lay,demons which have rosen.

Beasts of the night,

Who only fear angels of light,


I have won our war.

I survived all your blood and gore.

Never again darken my doorway.

Into your cage and there you'll stay,

I can keep my emotions at bay.

You no longer scare me to the core.

So,Lay in your eternal slumber once more--

Lay, Libidos, and rest forevermore.


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MalikPeterson commented on Fighting Libido


This is an interesting one. I like your direct conflict management attempt...and I dig the Poe elements in this one. There are a couple of forced spots but nothing too major. All in all this a solid read :)

MarionYost commented on Fighting Libido


I like this one too, I like the point made, and the style in which you wrote it. Yes, It can be a pain in the ass. (haha) once again. excellent write! All the best -Marion-

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

blackrose95’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
Title Comments
A Lily Blooms in Queens... 0
A Wandering Soul 1
Scars 7
Rebelling Against Purgatory 2
The Lending Hand 1
Life: Plain and Simple 5
Death Has Finally Made Me Mad 2
Not Letting Go 5
Fighting Libido 2
Mom Moving On 4
You'll Never See 2
The Eternal Pain 3
Being Free 1
My Dad 1
The Invisible Girl 1
Conflicted Feelings 3
The Perfect Stranger 2
My Roaming Eyes 5
My Barely Bearable Desires Part 2 2
My Barely Bearable Desires Part 1 1
Love&Hate 1
My Potential 2