Meant to be


Meant to be

I say let’s have a heart to heart

My eyebrows furrow

Hmm where should I start?

The light bulb above my head shines bright

And I begin to babble all through the night

I speak of things, of this and that

We may start to argue but I’m always right

And that’s a fact

But what’s weird is that when I’m done

After all the nonsense that I needed to say is finally off my chest

You actually paid attention

Which is weird because no one ever really does

An this thought begins to brew

That maybe… just maybe

I’m meant to be with you

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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

emerald1’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Being Me 0
Meant to be 0
The Crazy Things We Say 1
Untitled 0
What Gave Me Away? 0
Left Below 1