Being Me


Being Me

I think I’ve got it all wrong

I’ve been wishing for the wrong thing all along

I wanted some kind of fairy tale

But I’ve been mistaken

I’ve been given something that’s worth taking

I’ve been so caught up on how it should be

On how things have been dictated to me

On things that I’ve read in books and seen in movies

I’ve been so caught up in those that I almost missed what was in front of me

But I’ve been brainwashed for so long

It’s going to take some time

I have to figure out how to deal with my own feelings and not what I thought I should feel

I’m going to need some time to heal

From all this propaganda that’s been stuffed down my throat

Making me wish for things that where someone else’s imagination

You see all along I’ve been going through someone else’s simulation

Wanting the things they wanted, needing to feel the things they felt

Hoping that I could have what they have or made up

I can say one thing truly and that’s I’m totally f*****

But if you’ll have me

All broken and lost

I’ll try my best

To be the thing that you deserve, that I deserve

I’ll be me for a chance

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Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

emerald1’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Being Me 0
Meant to be 0
The Crazy Things We Say 1
Untitled 0
What Gave Me Away? 0
Left Below 1