Left Below


  • Emotional

    Left Below

    I’m flying above the clouds

    Into the velvety blue of the sky

    Kissing it and leaving the blood red impression of my soft lips

    I’m basking in the precious rays of the sun

    It warms my skin

    Im flying, and flying…

    Then I am falling

    Out of the velvety sky

    Away from the precious rays of the bright sun

    Down, down, down

    Into the darkness of the earth

    Its sharp winds pierce my skin

    I am blown to and fro with the wind

    I look up to the sky

    I wonder if when I fell

    If I had just reached my hand out and held

    Onto that tree branch so close to the sky

    If I’d swung off it then maybe I could fly

    Back to the sun where all was warm

    Back to the velvety softness of sky

    But I didn’t hold onto that branch

    So now I am left here to die.

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    UnworthyFather commented on Left Below


    Beautiful imagery! I like the way that you express the feelings of being on top of the world, and then having to look up to scratch bottom. Thanks for sharing



    Thank you for your comment.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    emerald1’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Being Me 0
    Meant to be 0
    The Crazy Things We Say 1
    Untitled 0
    What Gave Me Away? 0
    Left Below 1