Mango Tree


  • Nature

    Mango Tree

    On vast field one day a boy walked,
    For miles saw nothin’,
    Another mile saw somethin’,
    On the midst,
    Moves on to lead,
    What’s yonder,
    In laconic motion, neigh,
    Lad saw haughty tree

    So thick, so verdant,
    Her branches twist’d sturdy,
    Sallow green leaves lordy,
    Yet no flora speak proudly,
    Waited countless years dearly,
    Much awaited sweetness,
    Of her smooth skinn’d heart

    Boy slept ‘till mornin’
    Wakes up adorin’ sunrise,
    Walks to window surprise,
    To see dyin’ mango tree,
    Needs waterin’ to free,
    Life once again,
    Naïve, florid, a smilin’,
    Though nescience was he

    Grandpa a comin’one day
    Started a workin’,
    Prunin’, a sprayin’,
    Though he was ignoble,
    Keeps away trouble,
    Needs he no footless,
    Yet full of ludic tale,
    When mango tree a talkin’

    The protégé listened
    His latitudinarian Ol’ man,
    Once a valiant seaman,
    By then turned farm hand,
    Possesses mango land,
    A sellin’ the sweetish fruit,
    That’s Ol’ man’s dream,
    And it’s comin’ true

    Days passed by
    Trees a flowerin’ all over,
    Redolent in fragrance moreover,
    Elated they were, boy an’ grandpa,
    Ol’man enjoyed today’s spa,
    Once sugary fruit comes in,
    Green dough starts a pourin’
    Tope! As the French say

    Another sunny mornin’
    Laddy boy comes rushin’,
    Tellin’ Ol’man’s face a washin’,
    Heart shaped fruit hangin’,
    Hundreds each trees bangin’,
    Ready for pickin’,
    The saccharin fruit,
    Packed in cartons for transport

    Hard day’s work finished
    Aged, juvenile face creases,
    Appearance of happiness,
    Without taking sight thereof,
    Sallow skinn’d fruits afar off,
    There’s endless wealth surely,
    If Ol’ man’s aegis,
    Wil’ be there to stay

    Mango tree live hundred years
    Ol’man’s can’t live long,
    Protégé took before long
    Ignoble he’d become
    Nor froward he’d overcome
    Son, grandson, great grandson
    Heritage will go on
    So with the tree and its sugary fruits

    Of all the fruits,
    Mango the sweetish of them all!

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    lightcourier commented on Mango Tree


    I like the island dialect this is written in. The verse pulls long the reader in a jerky sort of way. Would have liked to see the boy worked into the old man, distinction blurred so it was hard to tell who you were speaking of. Also liked to see the sweet fruit analogy. what is the sweet fruit. Good story, interesting rhythm. Thanks!

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

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