Arabian Sun


  • Nature

    Arabian Sun

    Beyond the vast black horizon
    Look up to the inky dome, wonders,
    Teeny brilliant creatures like diamonds,
    Smiling, Oh it’s a horrid backdrop before me

    Waited for the break of dawn, wishing,
    Twinkle, twinkle little stars, go away, said I
    The sky bright up, clear, cloudless,
    Far away tainted faded blue, a sphere saffron,

    Fear I, protrudes beyond the edge, rising
    Watched the neighborhood started to light up,
    Cool, half the size, sitting on edge,
    Show off, with all its glory

    Alah Akbar! praises I heard,
    Believers kowtows, kisses the earth,
    Illumination of power begins in the east,
    Spread its rays in glorious joy over arid humus

    Believe it or not what beauty I witnessed,
    Something glitters in the golden desert sand, wondering
    Shooting stars fell to my feet, forgetting,
    The glass stones, the evasive diamond look alike

    I search for, I pick it up ASAP before
    The glowing Arabian sun scorched me to thirst,
    Burnt I to ashes, mixed my flesh in gritty turf
    In a while the temp changes, hurting my anima,

    In a while shade covers my sight, wide rimmed sombrero on
    Checkered kaffiyeh round about my leathery face,
    Protects my soul from blazing inferno, raging storm,
    Brave I, gathered the precious pebble but,

    Only a handful, yet glad, proud despite the deadly heat
    When its ruthless swirling heat is on its core
    The glitters disappears, got to hurry or else
    The wrath of the daystar will be upon you,

    Hail, Arabian sun, victory is mine!


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    wheelsal commented on Arabian Sun


    Alah Akbar to you. I assume English is not your first language you astound me with you control of it. You have so many poems and I will slowly get to all of them. I love your writes.



    you're right mate, I'm checking it.Thanks

    orsonav commented on Arabian Sun


    This poem is very descriptive. I felt as if I was in the desert.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    nhorlandi’s Poems (78)

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