Chocolate Hills


  • Nature

    Chocolate Hills

    A young bird sat on tree branch,
    looks here and there,
    as if nothing to do
    Confused whether to scream
    out of woods,
    fly somewhere else,
    explore someplace else,
    where nev’r been too
    So rose I,
    began to travel
    fear within me,
    spread my wings,
    careful I,
    predators hidden somewhere
    And as I looked down below,
    calm blue seas,
    waves moving backward,
    as I mov’d forward
    empty white horizon beyond,
    Few miles more,
    green field appeared,
    verdure all about,
    so cool to sight,
    flowers abound,
    what earth’s beauty,
    cracked aloud I
    Few miles more,
    cast me down,
    sharp an’ clear,
    couldn’t believe,
    what’s down there.
    What makes diff'rent from others?
    taste buds perspires,
    waters actually,
    hills of chocolate, no wonder,
    believe it or not,
    Hover'd over once more,
    twice more,
    investigated the more,
    then dropped over,
    an’wonder’d still
    Admires the brown scenery,
    the once green grass perhaps,
    convinced to golden brown,
    by white hot sun,
    oh, miracle n’ the making
    Mud thrown about by naughty titans,
    or formed tear liked,
    from young love in despair,
    as legend once told, .
    Countless dark chocolate hills,
    queue in rows,
    all in same sizes, shapes,
    packed like kisses,
    ready for sale to touring men
    The long hot summer,
    shou'd have meltdown an’ simmer,
    but none there is
    Comes next wet season,
    electric green grass,
    resurrected life once more,
    chocolate no more,
    but insist to remain there,
    broccoli liked lookin’ this time,
    at this hour sellin’ still to touring few,
    Novice I young falcon,
    returns the next hot rising,
    to witness again,
    the turnin’ golden leaf,
    of the ten world’s wonders,
    the chocolate hills

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    trocka7 commented on Chocolate Hills


    I really loved where these words took me! Especially loved the lines, "The once green grass perhaps, Convinced to golden brown, By white hot sun". Really great images, thanks for posting this!



    thanks for the read, appreciate it. nhorlandi

    lightcourier commented on Chocolate Hills


    Nice imagery. Liked the image of bird confused whether to scream out of the woods... a panoply of thoughts images. Nice to be a pilot. Good work! Thanks!

    origionalmerlin commented on Chocolate Hills


    nice images and good transport of feelingd through them.

    orsonav commented on Chocolate Hills


    Great flow. That old falcon wanted whatever was own that chocolate hill.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    nhorlandi’s Poems (78)

    Title Comments
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