Love Endures


Love Endures

We lash out most at the ones we love,
Never at the ones we don't.
Love endures.

We cause pain, shame, and fear,
Even though we say we won't.
Love endures.

We scream, cuss, and call names,
We point the finger, and play all sorts of games.
Love endures.

We don't try to get along,
Instead, we only fight.
We try to prove each other wrong,
Only caring who is right.
Love endures.

We can forgive, maybe even forget.
Our love is growing, not complete yet.
Love endures.

We can face anything, all that is life,
All problems, traumas, every bit of strife.
Love endures.

Committing to each other, facing life as one.
Our happiness is inevitable,
A knot tied that cannot be undone.
Love endures.

by Shane Richelle Irwin

June 1, 2009

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Johnny4444 commented on Love Endures


So goes the give and take of predestined consequences, growth and the knowledge of what unconditional love is really all about.

Bobcatmoon commented on Love Endures


nice way to express unconditional love ..we do tend to hurt those ones we love most as it is safe...nice exposure to a common life reality

dawnjyc commented on Love Endures


Yes, I really like this one. Very emotional and very true. I like how repeated Love Endures throughout the poem, it kept the pace. Nice job!

lowkey commented on Love Endures


nice poem keep on writing keep writing from the heart

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

LdyVxn’s Poems (5)

Title Comments
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Master mine 4
Love Missed 3
For Love 3
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Love Endures 5