Lost Trust


  • Anger
    • Stealthsmommy
    • is Never on this anymore.. but thanks for the love =]

    Lost Trust

    Cant Speak
    Throat Clenched
    Heart Stopped
    Breath Shutters
    Words were spoken
    Regret fills our Veins
    Why does it always have to be this way
    Pain, fear, fury
    Emotions are overwhelming
    What a selfish bitch
    I hope you choke on your many lies
    Enough Lies to fill the Atlantic ocean
    Swallow and choke on the lies you have spoken to me
    Drown in the ocean filled with your thousands of lies and see who saves you
    I've stuck by your side 10 times too many
    There’s nothing more for me to appreciate about you
    Your lies have bitten you in the ass and all has woken up
    No more trust, no more love you've blew that into the wind
    Sit and wallow in your ocean of lies.
    Sit and stare at you hideous reflection.
    Decked in make up and high-heals
    And then you see that your lies have overwhelmed your fancy words,
    and made you out to be a cold, ugly, lying, cheating whore you are today.
    I never will again trust your words again, even if you beg and scream
    Your just dirt to me.

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    bre4 commented on Lost Trust


    wow great work i could really feel ur anger :)

    caspiancri commented on Lost Trust


    strong wicked words, way to state your point

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Stealthsmommy’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Alone 4
    Growth 2
    Softness 2
    Deadly Moments 1
    Screaming Silence 3
    Lost Trust 2
    Simplicity 0
    Recipe for Disaster 4
    Lust 3