  • Loss
    • Stealthsmommy
    • is Never on this anymore.. but thanks for the love =]


    Hey there sexy lover!
    How's handling you desire?
    Your desire to be with me,
    on this beautiful night.
    I can see the stars in the huge sky,
    Sparkling. Twinkling.. shining its beauty!
    Just think your seeing the same stars.
    As If we were together looking an this beauty!
    But your not.
    Close your eyes, and imagine.
    I’m there baby!
    in your arms, wrapped tighter.
    Your sweet kisses that are very subtle.
    Just dream were together.
    Sharing our love, our passion, and
    Strong desire.
    Someday we will share this moment together..
    under that stars, and drifting to sleep from the
    humming of the fireflies.
    Just wait sweet love.
    Soon will come quick, when there’s a love like ours.
    Just dream, and its happening..
    Soon sweet lover.
    and we will handle our desire!

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    stephenmichael commented on HEY THERE


    Hey!A promise he should always want! I liked it alot! Stephen...

    dangedmanjr commented on HEY THERE


    WOW...very provacative! and left completely open-ended so this could be for anyone. Loved it!

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Stealthsmommy’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Alone 4
    Growth 2
    Softness 2
    Deadly Moments 1
    Screaming Silence 3
    Lost Trust 2
    Simplicity 0
    Recipe for Disaster 4
    Lust 3