Lock that door behind you


  • pura
  • Hey anyone out there it's Tempy missed you all I was blocked from the site for like 2-3 years

Poem Commentary

Lock that door behind you

Creeping approach toward the outside

Insensitivity unfolding , how could I forget

For a life divided for the long ride

One world, Blurred together filled with regret


From another force, you can’t compete

you wont see me fighting not this night.

Isn't so funny how you can't take the heat

You can pave the way, wrong isn't right

Disorder appears then continues to decay,

The worlds standing up, screaming your name

But it's time can't you see, what’s the delay

Saying I love you Is the name of the game


All the love I used up exhausted with you

Now my fire flames, does one learn

Why be a flame burning for two

Just the idea fuels my back to burn



I’m focused, on anything but,
You see when I look,
I see through one square,
The other side is a twisting infinity,
So well encased in this circle,

I hope to never find my way

Back to the centre that is you


Sometimes I just start feeling

And my fingers tap in time

The out of time errors revealing

My music that’s entwined


I know how to live,

I know how to save,

I know how to keep

The Love safe from thee,
We know how to dream,

And we have hope, the only thing is

You give up you left a joke,

Then return to see if I broke


Sit back, relax, and plug it like I do

Fingers participate in pulling my heart strings

While you pound a beat or two

With it a melody springs from thin air


I’ll never again have arms

That willingly opens for you

The embraces we had

Turned to darkness and left cold

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ayyan commented on Lock that door behind you


wow, what a composing of poem - placed your real life into this that is true one which i have gone thourgh. wish you all the best of your sense of living and long view of love with your...



thanks music is composed by me too bit ruff ey heh

Worthless commented on Lock that door behind you


its funny i just wrote something simular to this today.. im sick of dealing with pain, heartache and abuse.... well written! BTW i havent put mine on the sight yet but when i do ill let ya know or just keep checking.

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

pura’s Poems (54)

Title Comments
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