Solaris’s Profile

  • Age: 35
  • Location: Yuma, NV
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I'd have to say that I am very dark and disturbing in most of my writings although i do have my lighter moments. Also, i can be quite controversial at times. I am an eclectic witch so i don't do much religious writing but when I do it may not be pleasant to those in the bible belt but I don't care I post it if you don't like it don't read it otherwise please enjoy and I hope you'll leave a comment. And just so you know all of my poems are copy written and the sole property of me anyone who violates this copy write will be subject to fines and prosecuted to the full extent of the law under the Us code Copy Write Law Title 17 Chapter 12 subsections 1201 and 1202


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ladypoet profile comment


Hey, thanks for the friend request. How are you?

SerenityWintirs profile comment


Hey, I am in the Bible Belt (Oklahoma). But I am pagan so it doesn't matter ;) lol

girlygirl1234 profile comment


hey here to just say....your a great inspiring poem writer. i enjoy reading your work. when i read it im focused just on that nothing else. sometimes i even imagine myself in your poems. keep writing your work is truly a masterpiece!



thank you im very glad to here that I have a fan and that my pieces inspire people keep commenting and ill keep posting

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Solaris’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Poison Drugs and Fire 0
The Letter Before The End 0
Why? 0
The Mistress 1
The Soul Seekers Sorrow 0
The Reason 3
The Demon Within 0
Your God Not Mine 4
Die 3
one more 2
Bleeding for you 3
A Forever Love 1
The Secret Pain I Hide 2
Daddy It's OK 3
I wish For Death 4
These My Darkest Days 2
The Dreamer's Dream 10
Why are you Gone 10
Sarah 4
Feel It In The Wind 10
Losing You I Lost Myself 12
Time and Death Go A Whoring 15