Living to Die..


  • Death

    Living to Die..

    I'm sitting here writing with tear in my eyes
    Cause the way I'm looking at life, Is that I'm living to die.
    For the last two weeks I've been sending prays to the sky
    In hopes that my grandma won't die

    Since I'm here, writing with tears in my eyes
    guess you can figure out the doctors said she's going bye
    After two operation; they say she's been brain dead..
    So the way we see it, they filled us with hope, they feed us lies
    so now at the end..she's going to die...

    So why live today; when we're just going to die?
    Why sit around every day contemplating suicide
    Siting in a room and do nothing but cry
    Cuase the way I feel now..I'm just living, waiting to die....

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    GucciGurl commented on Living to Die..


    Two things we must do in our lives is to live and to die. Even though we hate the thought of dying we must prepare for it. It is very hard to do and it hurts lke heell but we can not change our destiny.So we must live every day like we where dying. Make the most of everyday. Tell everyone you love them when they r not going to be in your sight. It mite be your last chance

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    Ladishy420’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
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    C.R.E.A.M 0
    Did Me Wrong, for What???? 3
    Living to Die.. 2
    "Business Before Pleasure" 1