Lessons of Love


  • Love

    Lessons of Love

    I was admitting my short-comings and was asking for consideration, but instead you whines and fault-find that undermines my person.
    It is never easy to admit to personal faults and short-comings, but when we pointed out and take concrete steps to change and improve them, the situation will produce a favorable result for both of us.
    Communicate our feelings.We should see differences as negotiable.
    Yes, learn to forgive- Forgiveness is a funny thing that warms the heart and cools the sting !
    Good relationship don't just happen, they are cultivated.
    Unresolved anger hurts a relationship most;
    It is the greatest killer of love stored away in the heart; a plague that do a lot of changes to the heart and the love can fail ; a build-up of little embers of frustrations, hurts and fears.
    If kept unresolved, it simply kill the love that was there.
    When reality intrudes on fantasy, disenchantment is usually expressed that reveals imperfections.
    Though we experience conflicts sometimes, we assume our love is strong.
    Loving a person is to love the best in him and to make the person become himself.

    ( My own grammatical treatise and systematic written works. Thank you. )


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    nhorlandi commented on Lessons of Love


    You're absolutely right, my dear. Everything you said in there is very true. But I would rather say when love is lost there is miscommunication and having down to earth dialogues is very important ingredient to make the relationship stay long and permanent.



    undoubtedly true ! Thanks Nhorlandi: my buddy.

    squadbuddy954 commented on Lessons of Love


    This was a well written poem for a person like me who don't know about love it was a lesson for me

    Pisces00 commented on Lessons of Love


    Lol "Forgiveness is a funny thing that warms the heart and cools the sting!" I like that saying. This is a very intersting one and its really eye opening since im 16 it gives me a feeling of...hmm I dont know how to describe it. Apparently you have been though quite a bit to learn soo much. I like it! :D

    rasputin commented on Lessons of Love


    it is inspiring and touching the heart,,,,, to great Loving a person is to love the best in him and to make the person become himself.

    photochick commented on Lessons of Love


    so deep and full of heart you can see you poured your self out on paper with this great job very deep i look forward to reading more of your work



    Thank you Miss Photochick and yes when am so down-hearted I know I have to contain myself I'll call on Mother Superior at the convent and as always she has one sentence for me" You have your faith Necy, don't loosen up!

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Necy’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Morning Bliss on Beautiful Spring Days ( Lord I Love You ) 2
    Lamentations 7
    Canticle to a Lost Love ( locus classicus ) 12
    l Experience
    Memory 8
    Lessons of Love 8
    In My Solitude 18
    True Love 11
    My Eternal Love 7