Just Dream


  • Love

    Just Dream

    The heart...the heart beats, one beat, one beat at a time...thump thump thump...The eyes...the eyes are the windows to the heart and the soul...Gaze into my eyes and see, no, feel the love permeating from within me, from the core of my being, from my heart by way of my eyes through yours; seeping slowly yet diligently into your soul...The depth of my devotion filling your senses, filling your inner being with the warmth of my love, with the strength of my love, with the urgency of my love...Someday, anyday or some night ( in all actuality-smile- it matters not, choose one) when you are all alone in a dark or dimly lit room, (on chill mode, of course) imagine you and I alone on an island relaxing on the sands watching the sunset while the hum of warm gentle breezes rustles through the palm trees creating a sensual sway...as we lay...while the breezes are encircling our anatomies and blowing through our hairs; the breezes are nipping at our noses, kissing our personals-because that is what warm breezes do (wink, wink)! The familiarity of the scenario is intriguing...the knowing what may transpire...the knowing that the sweet irony of fate has brought us to this point...AGAIN...and the warm breeze, and the beautiful sunset and the silent swoosh, swoosh, swooshing of the waves create an ambiance that enhances the sheer joy each moment brings...each special moment is made sweeter. Our inhibitions are carried away by these soft breezes, carried away on the waves as they dance their way into the sunset...as we lay...Close your eyes...and just...imagine; behind closed eyes just...dream...


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    devaamido commented on Just Dream


    I like this poem. It's images are clear & so feminine in perception that they are appealing. I like the way the tempo accelerates as it progresses, simulating the way passion between a man & woman also accelerates a it intensifies,



    Thank you!

    Plot121 commented on Just Dream


    ou have a a great deal of images played out very well but as a whole the lack of stucture makes one see this more as an essay. I like the visuals and descriptions good work Robert



    It's been a while since I've been here...I appreciate the feedback.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    SweetPea’s Poems (3)

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