When I Watch You...


  • Love

    When I Watch You...

    ~When I watch my peaceful nights evolve into beautiful days, I thank God for allowing me yet another breath...

    ~When I watch little people at play without a care in their young worlds, their innocense makes me hopeful of the great things the future has in store for me...

    ~When I watch two lovebirds perched on my windowsill chirping their love exchanges, I marvel at the beautiful love that these small creatures of God portray...

    ~When I watch sailboats glide across cool, calming waters, their sails seemingly kissing the heavens, the sight lulls my chaotic spirit to a place of serene pleasure...

    ~But nothing places a smile in my heart, a twinkle in my eye, a glow upon my face, fills my core with content, or makes my very soul tremble with joy than those special times when I watch you!


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    mamasan commented on When I Watch You...


    So good to come away with a smile after reading your poem. I sure can relate to the beautiufl moments you bring to life with your choice of words. From reading your works....I am glad that this piece is full of love and hope. Sure can relate to a lot you put forth for us to read. You sure know the secrets of what engenders and brings about a smile on our lips with a twinkle in our eyes. Reminds me of the verse my dad taught me: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star And hold that twinkle and that smile because it brings out the best in you. Thank you for a sweet moment of sheer bliss remembering my dad long ago.

    bandit1192 commented on When I Watch You...


    very nice work. each line paints a picture and the final line a smile. i liked it very much.



    Thank you, Mr bandit! I am a visual being! Not only to I see what I write but I feel it, too. I am pleased to hear you smiled with the final line...

    Plot121 commented on When I Watch You...


    I liked this poem the whole idea was very well portrayed and the softness of how you unfolded it to the reader was very nice and peaceful good work Robert



    Thank you, Robert...most of my work evolves around personal experiences as I am sure most everyone who writes does...

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    SweetPea’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 3
    Just Dream 2
    When I Watch You... 4