

  • Lost Love

    Poem Commentary

    This is about someone who I cared deeply for when I wrote it, but has since then betrayed me and hurt me, breaking every promise he ever made to me and lying to me and to others about me. But, he's the one who's losing out now, not me.


    Remember that first time,
    You know,
    When we first met.
    I was having such a bad time,
    Until you managed
    To brighten my day.
    You sent me a message,
    And made me think,
    "Oh goddess,
    This boy has no idea who I am
    Or what I'm like
    Else he wouldn't have called me
    His boss."
    And so I smiled,
    And I laughed,
    And I said
    That acting all soft on me
    Wasn't going to get you
    A higher position in the group.
    But we became friends that day,
    And we became inseperable.
    It's been hard though,
    Over this past year and a half,
    Where we lost contact;
    And the smile on my lips,
    Slowly disappeared.
    I began pushing people away,
    And clinging to the few I trusted.
    I've kept sending messages,
    But getting no reply.
    But one day,
    You finally messaged me
    - I swear I nearly jumped for joy -
    And you told me you missed me.
    Now I'm smiling again.
    I'm happy again.
    And I swear,
    If someone were to ask
    If I have a brother,
    I'd smile
    And say yes
    And tell them your name.

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    himekachan111’s Poems (52)

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