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    Poem Commentary

    written for a friend that got over something stupid.


    Jealous...that is what you are, you're jealous of
    Everybody around you which makes your
    Senses cloud with rage even though your
    Smiling on the outside.
    Is it fun? Is it fun to be jealous?
    Cause from what I can tell you seem to enjoy making yourself
    Angry and Jealous.

    Poem Comments


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    nonners commented on Jealous


    i can relate-jealousy is toxic.and it gets the better of us sometimes

    frazel5 commented on Jealous


    Another job well done. Feel the anger in this one.

    1990lh commented on Jealous


    yeah i so understand were you are comng from yeah jealous is very dagerous becareful.

    kmooney commented on Jealous


    Okay, so someone is jealous. I like the premise of your piece. Sounds a bit angry. I hope you're okay. Jealousy is a very dangerous emotion. Life is too short for it if you ask me. I like to enjoy life and try not to get caught up in all the drama. I do remember being young though. I suppose its something that mos folks grow out of. Nice write. Thanks for sharing... K

    sk8ergirl commented on Jealous


    great poem short but i sound old hahahha....great poem

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    loveswar09’s Poems (71)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    An Utter Disgrace or I Lie! 1
    Untitled - May 1 / August 6, 2010 1
    Untitled - May 1, 2010 2
    I Can't 1
    Slave 2
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    Curse 1
    Guilty 2
    Killed For You 4
    Eternal Love 1
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    Never Knew You 1
    Too Late 1
    Let Me Go 1
    But a Child 1
    Angel 5
    Mental State 1
    Russia 1
    Disaster 1
    Untitled - December 30, 2009 1
    Sick Fetish or the Black Widow and the Puppet 3
    She Waits 3
    Blank Page 6
    Ruined Life 2
    Don't Go Daddy 4
    Come Back 1
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    Unwanted Affection 0
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    Heartless 0
    Diana - sorta short story 2
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    Whisper of a Shadow 1
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    Kiss Me, My Love 2
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    Brittany - sorta short story 2
    Amanda - sorta short story 7
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    Without Hope 1
    Dark 2
    Time of Violence 8
    Mask 1
    Why? 0
    ng/War Within
    Nothing 4
    Dark 2
    Blue Colored Eyes 2
    Rose/Sins 2
    America 1
    Jealous 7
    Confession 4
    Naruto 0
    Erasmo 1
    Just A Friend 5
    Last Stand 2
    Guiding Light 3
    I Love You 2
    Fear 1
    Together 4
    Untitled 0
    Little Sister 3
    Untitled 4