Adam - sorta kinda short story


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    Adam - sorta kinda short story


    Adam flinched as the stench of burning flesh filled the air. They would pay. All of them would pay for his pain. He let out a small gasp when he felt the knotted tip of a whip connect with his burned skin. Oh they would pay dearly.

    Adam shuddered as a voice called to him. Begging him to surrender. Begging him to give in. But he shook his head. He would not give them the satisfaction of seeing his tears.

    Adam groaned in pain as he was tossed onto the cold stone floor. Muffled laughter could be heard at his predicament. Those bastards thought that they had won. But if they only knew what awaited them. Nothing could stop him, absolutely nothing.

    Months have gone by and that stench is everywhere. It covers the cold floor and walls. It's on Adam's skin and on his clothes. That stench that caused him such joy, has haunted their dreams. A stench that gives him such pleasure to name. The stench of blood.

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    WindsOfMemory commented on Adam - sorta kinda short story


    once again you have graced us with another thrilling story. i envy your ability to steadily come out with new material. good for u

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

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