It's Time


  • Life

    It's Time

    It's time to move on that's what my mother said. It's time to let go of the things that make me feel lifeless & dead. It's just not worth it. Mixed emotions tears & fears, Sadness and lies. It's time to move on and say good-bye. I keep returning to the same place when I know that I shouldn't and that I need to get away. What is it ?? why do I come back it's like i'm drawn here I can't move I can't leave. I just need to let it be. Why do we stay when we know were not ment to be here. I pray for the strength that I need i'm down on my knees askin god please. It's time to move on it's time to let go. For something better to happen and for something new to grow.

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    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    lenitabonita’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Perfect Stranger 0
    Thank You. 0
    I finally realized 0
    Tears 0
    It's Time 0
    A Heart lives many lifes 0
    *Player* 1
    ??Confused?? 1
    ^_^ Just me ^_^ 1
    ** U ** Are*** 3
    With You 2
    When's the last time! 3