A Heart lives many lifes


  • Lost Love

    A Heart lives many lifes

    Each time your heart breaks it hurts worse and sometimes that old saying is true, Love is blind between me and you. It closes your eyes to where you can't see. You have no control and no power what so ever but you tell everyone one that you do like your so cleaver. When its all said and done you feel like you can't go on and this is it,  but a heart lives many life's no kidding. A heart lives and learns just like you it cries, it smiles ,it gets hurt and phew. Lessons are taught and some things we never do learn but just remember if you play with fire you do get burned.

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    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    lenitabonita’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Perfect Stranger 0
    Thank You. 0
    I finally realized 0
    Tears 0
    It's Time 0
    A Heart lives many lifes 0
    *Player* 1
    ??Confused?? 1
    ^_^ Just me ^_^ 1
    ** U ** Are*** 3
    With You 2
    When's the last time! 3