I Fear Your Greatness


  • MorsetBillie
  • When a politician speaks,crowds applaud but when the poet speaks the whole world reacts in silence

Poem Commentary

In praise of an awesome God.

I Fear Your Greatness

I fear your greatness when I look at the twinkling stars

And I wonder why men would want to go to mars

Because on earth you gave us everything, yet they are creating humans in jars

Why cloning humans as if they have finished designing cars?

I won’t even dare ask them why because I may end up behind bars

Yet I know with your power I can be exalted to reach the stars


Bless me with your glory and I’ll not flout your laws

For I’m facing sin and daily I have a multiple of flaws

With the touch of your angel I’ll be released from the devil’s claws

All I said was in his favor for he had touched my tongue and my jaws

I couldn’t be out of his vicinity for all swiftness had fled from my toes


Help me father for I am greatly lost

For my behavior used to be as cold as frost

I had exalted myself to an earthly high post

And all I knew was how to boast

But now I’m under the surveillance of the Holy Ghost


Little did I know that the devil was the master of any lie?

That’s why I was suffering from a knot I couldn’t untie

I always blamed God, looked to the sky and asked why?

I asked why I was always in trouble and for the answer I looked to the sky

Luxury and secular pleasures was all my money could buy

But now I know my savior will take me high

Now that I’m saved, I can take a peaceful sigh.



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shakeme4life commented on I Fear Your Greatness


This is a enormous strive into painting a picture with words the love hate relationship with God .... great poem .....distinctive style



Thanx shakene4life, I

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

MorsetBillie’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I long for that moment 1
How many centuries did it take? 1
I long for love 0
The Dream 0
My Soul Seeks Heaven 0
My Friend 0
All I feel is hurt 0
I Fear Your Greatness 1
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